As already blogged by Brush and Matty, we had a bit of Tool reunion last month in Southern Germany. Brush was a most gracious host, picking us up from a typical RyanAir-airport (125km from the city it purports to serve) and providing us with excellent Bed and Breakfast facilities at his place, including a fantastic genuine German breakfast of white sausages and eggs - delicious! He also blew us away with his Deutschensprechen, being so fluent now that he can engage in wittenbanter mit the locals. OK Brush, I know how much it annoys you so that was the last of my patented Deutschenmanglen in this post. Well, apart from that bit...
Being much more diligent bloggers than us, both the other guys have already blogged about our visit to Burg Hohenzollern, a fantastic castle perched atop a mighty peak. So we'll be lazy and just stick in some pictures:
Not content with that, Brett also took us to Tübingen, a lovely traditional town:
And to top it off, we headed into Frankfurt to experience one of the high points of the local traditional cuisine, Handkäse mit Musik - yes, you read that right, I didn't just make it up - "Hand-cheese with music". This turned out to be a very barnyard-scented, cow-esque cheese which was augmented with a raw-onion-and-vinegar garnish. Quite how this could be described as "music" was beyond us, and luckily Brett only ordered one serving for us handkäse novices to share - it was ... interesting!
Perhaps as a reward for finishing the handcheese, on the way home Brush very graciously allowed Johnny to give his Beemer 1-series a caning down the Autobahn, and what a pleasure it was to be back behind the wheel of some quality German engineering. Johnny loved the thrill of seeing the speedo needle on the interesting side of 200km/h. Bec did not. :-(
Thanks again to Brett for a terrific weekend and we hope to be able to welcome him (and Belinda) to London soon. Maybe we can arrange a flat-out driving session in a Tube train!?