Wednesday 20 December 2006


Well ... for one of us at least!

Yes, Rebecca has a job! After a gruelling week of interviews, last Friday Lloyd's TSB, one of the biggest high-street banks here in the UK, offered her a position in their finance team. And no, that doesn't mean she chooses whether people can get mortgages or not! She started on Tuesday, working in central Bristol, and so far things are looking pretty good. It's a 6-month contract position and there should be some good potential to move around and try new things within the company. So at last we have some Pounds Sterling coming in, not just leaking out. Hooray!

And while we're on the subject of banks, it's quite interesting that they are not quite as universally-despised over here as in Australia. Maybe it's because they will still actually pay you good interest (like 8%!) on your savings account. Our favourite difference is the way all the high-street banks have an arrangement so you can use any bank's ATM to get your money out, with no fee. You just have to be careful about the dodgy "private" ones at service stations and pubs. They still gouge you...

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