Wednesday 23 May 2007

Toy Time: It's an OLD car!

Last week was the last time Bec had to drive to Cirencester - her company has closed their office there, and she now is based in Gloucester, which is about the same driving-time, but in a different direction. While it doesn't really make a big difference to her (it's still a big drive - usually about an hour each way), it was a big change for Johnny who previously had been able to get a lift with her most days, because Chippenham was pretty-much on the way.

So for the last few weeks Johnny has been scouring the local classifieds, notice-boards and of course eBay, for a suitably-priced runabout to take him the 12 miles to work each day. And by suitably-priced, we mean "as close to zero as possible"! Considering the car may only be needed for as little as 3 months, it just makes sense to pick the cheapest-to-own-and-run car possible.

And with just days left to the deadline, good-old-eBay came to Johnny's rescue. Some of you may know that he sold his Aussie car on eBay, well now karma is restored as, for the princely sum of 300 pounds, he is now the proud(ish) owner of this 1994 VW Golf CL:

1391cc of german muscle makes her super-economical to run and insure, but still surprisingly nippy. Mechanically she's flawless and she drives very well. But the great thing is she has just passed her MOT (the yearly roadworthiness test) so that's all clear for another year, and she has 6 months of road tax (rego) too. She's even got a Sony stereo!

Although she comes from the same country, she most definitely is the opposite of the stylish, sporty, beautiful Beatrice the Beemer - so she is known as Gertrude the Golf.
And because she's done just about all the depreciation she can do, we'll probably get almost every pound back when it's time to sell her again - on eBay of course!

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