Wednesday 13 February 2008

Situation Report

With our 2007 backlog out of the way, we can finally tell you what's going on with us in 2008. We're very happily installed in London, and with the memory of winter rapidly fading (daffodils are out!) things should be getting even better. Bec may have had a touch of the SADs (Seasonal Affective Disorder) due to the lack of sunshine, but as of this weekend we've been having absolutely awesome weather and the Vitamin E production is back up to normal levels.

The big news this week is Johnny finally getting some London contract work. He's been telecommuting for his old employer for almost 3 months and is heartily sick of the isolation and poor ergonomics of hunching over a hot laptop in his Nerd-Nook for hours at a stretch. Continuing his tradition of only working for interesting companies, this new one is based around the idea of self-destructing text messages. No, smoke doesn't come out of the top of your phone. But the effect is the same; great for secure messages between James Bond types. (And also people having extra-marital affairs, you may well assume). He's locked in for 6 months and is looking forward to expanding his London friends-and-colleagues network, which has been all but non-existent until now.

Today was his first day, and the verdict? AWESOME!


Kath said...
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Kath said...

Congrats on the new job John. Self destructing text exactly do they destruct? Do they just vanish from your phone after you read them, or is there a set amount of time that they stay in your phone, even if you don't read them, or what's the go!?

Bec and John said...

Thanks Kath!
So many questions! We plan on supporting all of the different modes you describe. Ewww I sound like I'm in marketing! :-(
And the trick to "destroying" them is to never actually store them on the phone at all. The phone will only ever hold your list of messages in temporary memory - they're actually stored permanently on our servers, and we decide which ones you should be "allowed" to see. Ugh - enough geeky talk! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Excellent news, John. Congratulations! Hope you are still enjoying it.