Saturday 31 May 2008

Mid-Year Report

Wow - it's almost June already! For us, 2008 has been absolutely flying by. Often literally - you can see from our "trip reports" that we've been getting around Europe quite a bit. Well, we're seizing the moment as this is the "last year of really cheap flights" according to an expert on TV - so it must be true...

So leisure-wise, we've been travelling both in the UK and abroad, plus getting to know "our town" a bit more, and catching up with friends both new (ANZAC tour buddies) and old (high school mates). Johnny's mum was in town for a couple of weeks earlier this month too - in fact there's quite a cavalcade of Aussies scheduled to pop in over the next few months - and the more the merrier, we say!

Work-wise, Bec has been enjoying her gig, although some of her favourite colleagues are now leaving for various reasons. And as for Johnny, well, let's just say he's getting very familiar with the UK job market. Yes, the extremely-tiny startup company he was working for (doing self-destructing mobile phone messages) finally ran out of money - so as of yesterday, John has been released from his contract and is back on the street, so to speak. New-contract-hunting begins on Monday. Oh well, it's never boring!

The second half of '08 has a few exciting things already planned but is relatively trip-free - at this stage anyway. Don't worry, Bec will soon fix that! We've also gone absolutely crazy on concert tickets for various bands - some old faves like Bon Jovi (well Bec's fave...) and Queen, plus some newies like The Feeling and The Fratellis, and there's at least one music festival in there as well. London is absolutely amazing for music, as you can probably surmise!

Stop Press: Wimbledon Centre Court tickets have just arrived! Complete shock, if we won them in the ballot we should have received them 3 months ago! GOOOOO London!


Unknown said...

Queen without Freddie Mercury is not Queen!

Bec and John said...

True. Strictly speaking it's Queen+Paul Rodgers - and we know there is no way anyone could match Freddie's vocals. But I think it'll still be great, if only to experience Brian May's genius on guitar.