Saturday 29 March 2008

Five Days, Five Dress Codes

One of Johnny's favourite things about his new job (which he's still loving, by the way) is the complete lack of a dress code - it's a tiny company so there's just no need. You might think that would make dressing simple, but the choice of what to wear to work is actually complicated when there are no rules at all. John's natural nerd-tendency to slob around in jeans and a T-shirt is tempered by two factors - firstly, he actually likes wearing a nice suit every now and again, and secondly, he works with an italian man who dresses quite elegantly. How to reconcile the two forces?

Easy! For the last few weeks, John's been using a revolutionary scheme he calls the Five-Way Open Approach to Regalia (or FWOAR for short). What it boils down to is a gradual lowering of standards as the weekend approaches:

Monday Maximum Attack or "Going for an interview, are we?" A strong nod to Stylish Italian Man with the full suit-and-tie treatment.

Tuesday The tie is ditched (a nice relief - it often makes Johnny overheat) for a look Bec calls The Hugh Grant.

Wednesday The middle of the week is celebrated by dressing like a middle-aged man, apparently :-)

Thursday Things are starting to slacken off, hence, a nice pair of slacks.

Friday Or indeed, Pub Friday as it is almost universally known over here, requires very little effort. And the clothes are pretty casual too!


Matt said...

I love this 'code'!

I'm starting a new job in a week and suspect I'll be following this guide pretty closely!

FWIW I think the Hugh Grant looks best on you Chis... ;)

Unknown said...

Great stuff! Let's see how long this lasts before you start ditching the Monday-Tuesday outfits for the latter week ones all week :-)

I'm so glad I work at a place where I can dress like you do on Friday every day :-)

Kath said...

funny stuff. I like the acronym.

this is the one thing i like best about my job...nobody would care even if I turned up in my pj's!