Friday 7 March 2008

Gorgeous George

While we were planning our move to London, Johnny had a certain great hope for our new life: to find a friendly neighbourhood cat who would pay us semi-regular visits for milk and cuddles. We had both felt starved of feline company since leaving our cat Tuesday back in Melbourne.

As fate would have it, John's dreams were realised on the very day we moved in. We were literally turning the key in the lock, excited to finally be living in London town, and the words "now all we need is a cat" had barely escaped his lips when, out of nowhere, appeared a large ginger cat! He then proceeded to follow us into our flat and stroll around like he owned the place. We christened him George after one of the Weasley twins from Harry Potter (it's the ginger thing...)

Since then George has made himself somewhat of a regular at No 10, following the sound of Johnny's deliberately jingling keys as he walks up the path. We've discovered he lives across the road, but seems to divide his time between several of the houses in the street. A very friendly neighbourhood cat, then. We're certainly not complaining!


Anonymous said...

Ginger cats are always the friendliest

From Walter (Stewart)

Anonymous said...

Won't tell Tuesday about George. She would be too jealous.